Top 7 Yoga Poses to Get Over a Bad Breakup

Being in love and then breaking up from the one you loved the most can be a very difficult journey. One cannot determine what is right or wrong when it comes to dealing with break up as each and every one of us would have an entirely different experience of being with someone. It is a personal experience with different thoughts and emotions attached. While some people would prefer to confine themselves within their household, others would try to get out in public and interact with people in order to avoid thoughts related to the trauma they are going through.
However, yoga is one of the most effective ways of dealing with break up. It will not only clear your mind and give you a sense of direction, but would also help you heal. When he is gone, it is the right time to move on. The top seven yoga poses to get over a bad breakup are as follows:
Heart-Healing posture
Yoga to heal your heart is one way of getting over break up. Try heart-opening posture of yoga. It would help you feel lighter and happier as the tightness in your chest would be released. The more you stretch the more you will feel relaxed. Heart healing yoga postures should be practiced when you are feeling depressed or restless.
Bridge Posture
Bridge pose is a wonderful posture for people going through a severe form of depression or anxiety. You should lie down on the floor with your arms on either side of your legs. The palms should be placed facing downwards. Gradually lift your legs in a manner that you end up folding your knees. Now gently lift your back and make sure your chest is touching your chin. Stay in that position for a certain amount of time, preferably 7-8 seconds.

Plow Posture
If you are looking for a yoga posture that can help you calm your brain then try out the plow pose. Plow pose can help you deal with problems like headache and insomnia. In order to carry out the plow pose, lie on your back with your arms on either side of your body. Now gradually lift your legs with your hands placed on your hips. After the placement of hands is done in the correct manner, start moving your legs in an upward direction so that they cross over your head and the toes are placed on the ground. Lastly, your hands should be straightened up on the mat.
Standing Forward Plow Posture
Standing forward plow pose is known for its ability to improve the functioning of the nervous system along with reducing the levels or chances of anxiety. In standing forward pose one needs to stand straight with arms on either side. Now bend in such a manner that your arms are touching your hips. Bend forward so that your head and chest can easily touch your thighs. Lastly, hold your ankles while keeping your legs straight.
Hip Circles
The hip circle is one of the easiest yoga poses that anyone could do. Lie down on your back and hold your knees close to your chest. The right hand should be holding the right knee and the left hand should be holding the left knee. Now start moving your knees in a circular motion. A cycle of 10 circles should be completed in each direction.
Bow Posture
It is time to bow down for yourself and not for someone who no longer exists in your life. It is the right time to relax, so lie down on your belly while bending the knees and holding your ankles. The right arm should be holding the right ankle and the left arm should be holding the left ankle. Hold yourself into this position until at least five to ten breaths.
Reclining Bound Angle Posture
Lie down on the floor and bring the soles of your feet together by bending both left and right knee. One hand should be placed on your heart and the one other should be on your belly. Inhale and exhale as much as you can. It will help relieve depression and anxiety.
Yoga exercises will work only if you are willing to let them have an impact on you. Thinking about the break up while you are practicing different yoga poses will not make any difference. Calm your heart and mind, as it is the right time to nourish your body.